Saturday, July 27, 2024
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This page has been created to assist PLoP conference chairs on what to do while chairing the conference.

  • At the end of the conference, the incoming chair needs to get with the new Program Chair and the outgoing chairs and schedule the next conference.
  • The incoming Conference Chair needs to make a feedback form to give to all conference attendees at the end of the conference.
  • Create flyers for OOPSLA and create the beginning web-pages.
  • Send out the call for papers found on the ConferenceAdvertising pages.
  • Create a list for needed volunteers which should include:
    • Maintaining the Web Pages
    • Creating the Paper Proceedings
    • Burning the CDROMs
    • Registration software (web-pages)
    • Registration onsite
    • Entertainment and Coffee Shop
    • Computer Support
    • Books and Gifts
    • Pizza :-)
    • PLoP News
  • Start assigning volunteers to the tasks above; the first task that should be immediately assigned are to the Registration software.
  • Create schedule for submission and send out announcements to the ConferenceAdvertising pages.
  • Get the Games Person and get props needed from them.
  • Create budget from previous budgets. See outline. This requires you to contact Allerton for pricing etc. This might include the tent, props for the games, ...
  • Get Registration software ready.
  • ChairSuccession.


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