Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Set dates for the conference.

  • Joe Yoder and the Conference Chair will help with this.

Establish the PC members.

  • Don’t talk anyone into it. Rather, make sure each person is interested and excited about doing it (or he/she won’t be much help).

  • Put the Conference Chair on the PC.

  • Ask the past year’s Program Chair to be on the PC.

Get the web page going.

  • Even if you don’t have all the information, post a placeholder stating that more information is coming soon.

Include Dates for:

  • Conference registration

  • Paper submissions due

  • Shepherding begins

  • Shepherd recommendations due

  • Notification of acceptance to the authors

  • Conference drafts due

  • Registration deadline

Write the Call for Participation.

  • Think about what events you want in addition to the usual Writers’ Workshops (focus groups, BoFs, etc.)

Decide on a submission system (and make sure it is working).

  • Ask PC members and other friends to help test it.


  • The Conference Chair should work on this with help from Joe Yoder and with your input.

Plan the Special Activities, such as:

  • games

  • special “big name” speakers

  • evening events

  • etc.

Keep in touch with shepherds and authors throughout the shepherding!

  • Send regular “how is it going?” emails, with reminders, during shepherding.

Handle the papers when they start coming in.

  • Get shepherds (and PC members) assigned to papers. Allow at least two weeks for this, but better yet, start lining them up before the papers come in.

  • Remember sound guidelines when accepting papers for the conference.

Assign to writers workshops.

  • Get help/input from PC members when doing this.


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