Important Dates
May 23rdMay 31st- Papers due
- Jun 10th
- Shepherding starts
- Aug 7th
- Shepherding Recommendations Due
- Aug 15th
- Notification of Acceptance
- Sep 23rd
- Early Registration ends
- Sep 26th
- Conference Draft Due
- October 20
- BootCamp
- October 21-23
- PLoP
- October 22-27
- Splash 2011 days
Submissions Deadline: May 23rd May 31st
- Submissions are Closed
- Final Proceedings
Please use the SPLASH 2011 registration form to register for PLoP!
Early registration ends September 15th
PLoP 2011 is co-hosted with SPLASH.
You can use the SPLASH registration form to register for both conferences or for PLoP 2011 only.
Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP™) conference is a premier event for pattern authors and pattern enthusiasts to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns and software development.
The purpose of PLoP is to promote development of pattern languages, primarily about aspects of software: design and programming, testing, software architecture, user interface design, domain modelling, and software processes. Patterns and pattern languages for domains outside software are also welcome
The conference program offers pattern authors an unique opportunity to have their pattern languages reviewed by fellow authors, which occurs mainly in the form of Writers' Workshops.
Authors and non-authors will find in the different PLoP activities (Writers' Workshops, Focus Groups, BoF sessions, BootCamp, Games) many opportunities to learn more about patterns and pattern writing.
As a whole, the conference provides a friendly and effective environment to give and get feedback, to share expertise, and to allow the participants to improve their patterns and make them more useful and more publishable.
PLoP's are unique conferences based on a strong community, a community of trust.
Join the community! Come to PLoP!
Call For Submissions
The purpose of PLoP is to promote development of pattern languages on all aspects of software, including design and programming, software architecture, user interface design, domain modeling, software processes, project management, and more.
Paper submissions may include short papers, containing one or more patterns, longer pattern languages or sequences, or work-in-progress papers willing to get an in-depth shepherding by an experienced pattern author at the conference.
In addition, you can submit proposals for free-format discussion groups or workshops aimed at bringing together people interested in a hot topic related to patterns or proven practices, for a period of about two hours. Proposals addressing interdisciplinary topics and topics from other domains than software development are especially encouraged. Non-conventional formats are welcome.
Any other suggestions or proposals for activities are welcome and encouraged. Please contact the chairs with your ideas.
PLoP11 is sponsored by the Hillside Group.
PLoP11 submissions are peer reviewed and digitally archived at ACM. Papers discussed at writer's workshop at this conference qualify for submission to the journal "TPLoP - Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming" published by Springer. See Springer's pages on TPLoP for details of this journal.
.Important Dates
May 23rdMay 31st: Papers Due- June 10th: Shepherding starts
- Aug 15th: Notification of Acceptance
- Sep 15th: Early Registration ends
- Sep 26th: Conference Versions Due
- October 20th: Bootcamp
- October 21-23: PLoP conference days, co-located with Splash 2011
More information
For more information, please contact the organizers: Lise Hvatum.
At the Hillside Group web site you can learn more about patterns, writing patterns, PLoP conferences, and previous PLoP's.